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Awards & Scholarships

Extra Mural Activities


Extra Mural Activities


Awards & Scholarships

Liat Steir-Livny is an Associate Professor at Sapir Academic College and the Open University of Israel. She teaches in the Department of Culture at Sapir Academic College, the Cultural Studies MA program, and the Department of Literature, Language, and the Arts at the Open University of Israel. Her research focuses on Holocaust commemoration in Israel from the 1940s until the present. It combines Holocaust Studies, Memory Studies, Cultural Studies, Trauma Studies, and Film studies. She is the author of many articles and six books: Two Faces in the Mirror (Eshkolot-Magness, 2009, Hebrew) analyzes the representation of Holocaust survivors in Israeli cinema; Let the Memorial Hill Remember (Resling, 2014, Hebrew) discusses the changing memory of the Holocaust in contemporary Israeli culture; Is it O.K to Laugh about it? (Vallentine Mitchell, 2017) analyzes Holocaust humor, satire, and parody in Israeli culture; Three Years, Two Perspectives, One Trauma (The Herzl Institute for the Study of Zionism, University of Haifa, 2019, Hebrew) analyses the media of prominent Jewish organizations in the United States and Eretz-Israel in the aftermath of WWII; Remaking Holocaust Memory (Syracuse University Press, 2019) analyses documentary Cinema by Third-Generation Survivors in Israel; Holocaust Representations in Animated Documentaries: The Contours of Commemoration (Edinburgh University Press, 2024) is the first comprehensive analysis of animated Holocaust documentaries. It explores movies produced in the USA, Canada, Australia, Europe, and Israel.

She is the recipient of the 2019 Young Scholar Award given jointly by the Association for Israel Studies (AIS) and the Israel Institute.

Fields of Interest:

Holocaust Studies, Film Studies, Cultural Studies, Israel Studies, Jewish Studies, Trauma Studies, Humor Studies, Collective Memory, Popular Culture in Israel


Since 2020 Associate Professor, Department of Culture - Creation & Production, Sapir Academic College.

2014-2020 Senior Lecturer, Department of Culture - Creation & Production, Sapir Academic College.

2009-2014 Lecturer (with tenure), Department of Culture - Creation & Production, Sapir Academic College.

Since 2008 Academic Coordinator. M.A in Cultural Studies, the Open University, Israel.

Since 2008 Tutor and Course Coordinator: Multiculturalism in Israel. M.A in Cultural Studies, the Open University, Israel.

Since 2008 Tutor and Course Coordinator: Jews, Hebrews, Israelis: Cultural Aspects of Jewish Identity. M.A in Cultural Studies, the Open University, Israel.

Since 2008 Tutor and Course Coordinator: Myth and Ethos in Israeli Cinema. Department of Literature, Language and the Arts, the Open University, Israel.

Since 2004 Tutor and Course Coordinator: Holocaust survivors in Israeli cinema and literature. Department of Literature, Language and the Arts, the Open University, Israel.

2001-2009 Tutor: East and West in Israeli cinema. Department of Literature, Language and the Arts, the Open University, Israel.

2000-2007 Tutor: Israeli fiction and cinema. Department of Literature, Language and the Arts, the Open University, Israel.

1997-2000 Research assistant of Prof. Ya’akov Shavit, Head of the Department of Jewish History. Tel-Aviv University, Israel.

1997-2000 Research assistant in the GIF (German Israeli Fund) Research Group of Jewish women prisoners in Ravensbueck. A joint Israeli-German three years research. Tel-Aviv University, Israel.


2007 Post-Doctoral Researcher

The Chaim Rosenberg School of Jewish Studies, Tel-Aviv University.

Subject: Israeli Cinema - Representation and Misrepresentation.

2006 Ph.D. Summa Cum Laude

The Chaim Rosenberg School of Jewish Studies, Tel-Aviv University.

Dissertation: A World of Difference: Jewish and Zionist Propaganda in Eretz-Israel and in the USA 1945-1948.

Supervisor: Prof. Nurith Gertz and Prof. Dina Porat.

1999 M.A. Summa Cum Laude

Department of Jewish History, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.

Thesis: The Image of Holocaust Survivors in Zionist Films

Supervisor: Prof. Dina Porat.

1997 B.A. Cum Laude

Department of Jewish History, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.

Awards & Scholarships

2019 - The Young Scholar Award given jointly by the Association for Israel Studies (AIS) and the Israel Institute.

2018 - The Hecht Prize for a manuscript, The Herzl Institute for the Study of Zionism, University of Haifa.

2016 - Elected one of Israel's most beloved & inspiring lecturers, in a national survey of the Israeli student association

Post Doctoral

2007 - Scholarship, the department of Literature, Language and the Arts, the Open University.

2006 - Dan David Scholarship for Young Researchers.


2005 - Scholarship, the department of Literature, Language and the Arts, the Open University.

2003 - The Nathan Rotenshtreich Scholarship awarded to distinguished Ph.D students.

2002 - The Ignaz Bubis Foundation Scholarship for Ph. D. Tel-Aviv University, Israel.

2002 - The Schnizer Foundation Scholarship for Ph.D. The Department of Jewish History, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.

2002 - The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History Fellowship. NY, USA.

2002 - The Yad Vashem Award for Ph.D thesis.

2002 - The Jewish National Fund Award for Ph.D thesis.

2001 - Fulbright Scholarship for Doctoral Dissertation Student. Israel & USA.

2001 - The Schnizer Foundation Scholarship for Ph.D. The Department of Jewish History, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.

2000 - The Shlomo Glas and Fanny Balaban-Glas Foundation Scholarship for Ph.D. The Department of Jewish History, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.

2000 - Appreciation diploma for the M.A Thesis from the Dvora and Michael Goldhirsh Fund. The Department of Jewish History, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.


1999 - Scholarship, the department of Literature, Language and the Arts, the Open University.

1998 - The Yad Vashem Award for M.A thesis.


1997 - The Polish Jewry Award for the M.A thesis.

1996 - The Department of Jewish History Award for B.A.

Extra-Mural Activities

2017 Producer – The Video Clip - "Sailing Ships".

2013 Referee committee – The Young Filmmakers Award, 29th Haifa International Film Festival.

2009 Referee committee – The Young Filmmakers Van-Leer Award, Jerusalem Film Festival

2006 Referee committee – The Young Filmmakers Award, The Dimona Film Festival

2005 Film critic in the internet magazine of “Ma’ariv”

2004 Film critic in the internet magazine

2001 Producer – The documentary film "Tel-Aviv – Breslav Express".

2001 Producer – The documentary film "Combinations".

2001 Producer – The documentary film "Till I Can".

1997 Assistant Director – short feature film "Haunted.".

1996 Producer – "Jerusalem in a Minute", [Hebrew]. First prize for short movie. The Jerusalem Cinemateque.

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