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Dark tourism as controversial leisure enterprise in Israeli TV satire shows

Liat Steir-Livny 2020

Dark tourism as controversial leisure enterprise in Israeli TV satire shows

Leisure and Cultural Change in Israeli Society (eds: Tali Hayosh, Elie Cohen-Gewerc, and Gilad Padva)

This chapter analyzes the satirical critique of organized and individual educational trips
to the former concentration camps by focusing on examples from TV satire and poetry: The
Chamber Quintet [Hahamishia Hakamerit] (“Matar” Productions, Channels 2-Tela’ad,
Channel 1, 1993–1997), Am Segula [The Chosen People] (Keshet Broadcasting, Channel
2, 2011), The Arbitrator [Haborer] (HOT Telecommunication Systems, 2007–
2014), Vicki and I [Vicki veani] (Channel 10, 2017–2018), and the collection of poems A
Visitor’s Guide to Birkenau [Madrich lamevaker bebirkenau, Shmuel Refael, 2005]. The
main thrust of this chapter is that although Holocaust humor is considered in general to
cheapen the trauma and dismiss the pain of the survivors (Rosenfeld 2013, 2015), humor
and satire by the victims, their offspring, and their surrounding society is different,
especially in Israel, which is a unique sphere of intense Holocaust awareness. Dark tourism
satire does not ridicule the victims and their pain, but points to the faults of Holocaust
commemoration in contemporary Israel. It reflects serious issues that continue to be
debated concerning these trips. Holocaust humor, in this case, functions as a social–political wedge that addresses the problematic features of these tours, and challenges their
organization, narrative, goals, effects, and necessity

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Dark Tourism Holocaust Holocaust memory


Liat Steir-Livny, “Dark tourism as controversial leisure enterprise in Israeli TV satire shows”, In: Tali Hayosh, Elie Cohen-Gewerc, and Gilad Padva (eds), Leisure and Cultural Change in Israeli Society, New York: Routledge, 2020, pp. 72-84.

Dark tourism as controversial leisure enterprise in Israeli TV satire shows

Liat Steir-Livny 2020

Dark tourism as controversial leisure enterprise in Israeli TV satire shows

Leisure and Cultural Change in Israeli Society (eds: Tali Hayosh, Elie Cohen-Gewerc, and Gilad Padva)

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Liat Steir-Livny, “Dark tourism as controversial leisure enterprise in Israeli TV satire shows”, In: Tali Hayosh, Elie Cohen-Gewerc, and Gilad Padva (eds), Leisure and Cultural Change in Israeli Society, New York: Routledge, 2020, pp. 72-84.

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